Being a Software Engineer

07 May 2023

Throw your expectations out the window

Going into this Spring 2023 semester I knew my classes were going to be hard but I was mostly worried about ICS 314. Not because it’s an extremely difficult class but because I wasn’t the most experienced programmer going into this class and knew I’d struggle from the start. Getting used to the style of the class was a big transition in itself having to prepare for the WODs and constant assignments due every week but once I got into the rhythm of things everything was basically smooth sailing.

Functional Programming

Functional programming is an approach to software development that uses pure functions to create a maintainable program. This method takes advantage of using functions as variables, arguments and return values to create a clean, well organized code that is easy to follow along with. With the rise of machine learning in the past few years, functional programming has become a lot more popular. I could definitely see myself using this method for future projects.

Development Environments

A development environment is a workspace for developers to make changes without breaking anything in a live environment. Using the development environmetn allows for changes to be made in stages before going ot the live website. The environment structure includes a local, dvelopment, staging, and live environment where everything is processed. The environment we used in this class was IntelliJ which came to be my new favorite IDE, it’s so cool to be able to see live updates to your page while working on the code. For future projects using a dvelopment environment is not only useful but I think almost necessary to be able to see the way everything is going to turn out before actually launching an app.